The Vaughn Family
Continuing a tradition of family conservation, the Vaughns expanded Eden Mill Nature Center.
In 2008 the Vaughn family, including Jeffrey Vaughn, Jim and Kim Vaughn, and Vicki Dowling, preserved a 44-acre parcel to expand Eden Mill Nature Center by partnering with the Harford Land Trust, the State of Maryland’s Program Open Space, and Harford County Department of Parks & Recreation. The expansion built on the legacy of their parents Ward and Sandy Vaughn who previously sold the main Eden Mill parcel to Harford County for its use as a community park.
Eden Mill is truly a Harford County blessing, so on behalf of my sister, brother, children, grandchildren, Ward and Sandy (Dad and Mom) I would like to tell a short story.
Our parents acquired Eden Mill in the mid-1960s and later sold a portion of the property to Harford Count for future parks and recreation. In early 2008 my siblings and I sold another 44 acres to the County with the assistance of Harford Land Trust.
When we were very young, 5 years to 25 young, we enjoyed going to Eden Mill often to hike, row upstream, ice skate, and see the abundant wildlife. This included deer, beaver, foxes otter, fish, turtles, ducks, geese, bald eagles, hawks, a few sneaky snakes, and much more. Now my siblings and I are all in the third quarter (over 60 years young) and are happy our families can still enjoy Eden Mill as we did.
Eden Mill Park and Nature Center is an asset to all Harford County residents, schools, and youth groups. We have enjoyed numerous family reunions and simple weekend visits to the park.
Eden Mill’s history dates back to the 1700s and was originally known as Stansbury Mill. During the early days, it operated as a grist mill where local farmers brought wheat grain in and traded for wheat flour. The Mill also produced electricity for Fawn Grove Pennsylvania.
Land preservation is a “good deal” and we highly encourage anyone with a unique property and would consider preservation to consult with the professionals at Harford Land Trust.
Jeffrey Vaughn

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