Mission and Vision
Edwin Remsberg
Our Mission is to conserve land and protect its natural resources for the benefit of all people in Harford County.

Our Vision for Harford County
We envision a Harford County where:
A thriving, sustainable agricultural industry is prominent in the local economy, culture, and landscape — and is supported by greater demand for local food.
Large tracts of forest are permanently protected for stable and sustainable production, wildlife habitat, scenic viewsheds, ecosystem services, and recreational uses.
Habitat is biologically diverse, interconnected, and supports viable populations of keystone species.
Recreation and Well-being
A network of trails, recreational lands, and waterfront provides abundant access to open space and enhances the quality of life.

Our Values
- We focus on results – more work, less talk.
- We foster a non-political, mission-based approach – land preservation unites us.
- We are committed to inclusion and diversity and serving every community within Harford County.
- We partner with like-minded organizations to achieve greater impact.
- We maintain our adherence to the highest operating standards.
- We are strongly invested in land stewardship– managing and caring for the land.
- We are respectful of private landowner interests and motivations.
- We are committed to transparency and integrity.

Our Strategic Plan
Harford Land Trust’s 2023-2028 Strategic Plan summarizes our four goals along with a series of strategies and activities for achieving each goal. We undertake this process every few years to ensure clarity of direction and as a basis for evaluating our progress.

Our Work Depends on You
Harford Land Trust can save more land in Harford County, Maryland, because of generous people like you.